Friday, July 13, 2007

It's like I think I invented "health"

So I decided, enough.

Enough with the "diet."

Time to use my (educated, adult) brain, and think a little about what is actually healthy to be putting into my body as fuel.

Because while the low carby diets may work quickly (at least in terms of numbers on the scale), I have to think maybe all that fat isn't good for my heart. And you really can't expect me to believe that sugar free ice cream is better for me than a banana.

I managed to fool myself that way for a while, because the numbers on the scale told me so. Look, I must be healthy, numbers are getting smaller! Except other important numbers were getting bigger. And really, it seems like blood pressure and cholesterol trump the numbers on the scale.

So I say enough. Time to eat the way I know is good for me, makes me feel good in my body, not just how someone with a book tells me I should.

Also, time to get some good running shoes and hit the road. Because I've really just had enough.

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