Monday, July 16, 2007

Lady Luck

I'm one of the lucky ones.

I landed the DreamJob a week before graduation, and while it does not exactly pay the DreamBucks, neither is it dependent on my passing the bar exam. I can be confident that this is true DreamJob love and not OhMahGawdINeedAJob love, since it came as a result of a DreamInternship. DreamJob is in the relatively small area of law where I hoped to practice when law school still seemed like it was really going to be fun (read: before law school started). I am absolutely one of the lucky ones.

But! Of course I can still find something to whine about, because lo, I am awesome. I still don't know which division I'll be assigned to. (yes, I realize that last sentence is grammatically incorrect, let's just blame it on bar prep and move on.) I'm hoping it will be where I was during DreamInternship, because my supervisor and coworkers were hands down the best I have ever had. They are a significant reason DreamJob is all that it's cracked up to be. There, I know what is expected of me. But, there is a possibility I'll be assigned Elsewhere. Elsewhere is still very good, still within that tiny scope of law I'm so obsessed with, but different boss, different coworkers, different expectations. Elsewhere makes me nervous about my first day, DreamInternship makes me feel in control. (and hey, have I mentioned once or twice that I like control?)

So really, embarrassment of riches. Either way, I'm exactly where I hoped to be coming out of law school.

I am absolutely one of the lucky ones. I can't wait to find out where I land.

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